The structured curriculum here at Entrada Piano Academy helps make it easy to know what should be in your piano bag each week, and at practice during the week at home. Students are expected to be prepared with all materials at each lesson.
Habits students should bring:
- Their Binder
- Faber Lesson - (New students will be in these purple primer books, transfer students will be in the level we have determined)
- Faber Performance
- Faber Theory
- Faber Technique (some students may not have this and that's okay.)
- Jr. Hanon

Players students should bring:
- Their Binder
- Junior Hanon
- Their Faber Sightreading and Theory books (whatever level they are - this will be 3-4 books total)
- Fakebook for Kids (or for more advanced Players students, they should have printouts of Lead Sheets in their binders)
- Create First (an Improvisation book)
- Celebration Series Repertoire book of their level